Monday, January 28, 2008

Trading Up

Just when I'd given up looking for a distress deal on one of the older model trailers recently booted off the grey and pleasant lands of Mississauga, I found what I was looking for. Well it looks like one - or maybe its only my high school portable. Yes thats it, stuck on what the old delivery entrance of the ROM.

Guess one man's eyesore is another man's aluminum siding. But the new owners are so very proud of their Tilt-A-Whirled mobile home that they've given it a fancy name and stuffed it full of their best loved collection.

They want people to stand back, way back - out of the black hole, bereft of ancient lights, so they can marvel how spiffied up is the old place. They have even "invited" the street vendors to take a hike, apparently fearing that someone visiting the venerable ROM might have a childhood flashback to more linearly constructed days of old - when a flotilla of popcorn vendors could be found floating around its much grander old primary portal.

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